Thursday, 30 April 2009

A big weekend, and I'm out of here!

Yes, that's it, I'll be out for the big weekend and won't post for 3 days again.

I'm going to a nice place, in the middle of nature. If some pictures are worth it, I'll post them upon my return.

You all have a nice weekend, whistle a lot, but most important, have fun and live a good life.

Cheers to you good people!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Little time and a big weekend


This Bard is tired. Last couple of weeks have been a turmoil and with very little time to play. I kind of miss it, but there's really nothing I can do to make it better.

With the Low Whistle I'm able to play almost everything I play in the Tin Whistle, and with the same degree of quality.

Today in the 15 minutes I got free, I went to an Irish Pub that has live music to know what kind of music do they have, but the waitress could only tell me to come back at night, cause she only did the day-shift and couldn't awnser my question...lucky me hum? I guess I'll really have to go there and find out!

Since the next weekend is a long one (friday holiday) the blog will be postless for some 3 days again, I'm sorry, but I promise I'll be back to business as soon as possible!

And just out of curiosity, yesterday was the 30th post and the blog is almost reaching the 200th unique visitor, which is much more than I had ever imagined!

Cheers, and thank you for following!

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Back...and "lower"

Hello there!

I was out during the weekend, and that's why I didn't post. Anyway I didn't played a single note during these three days, but now I'm back!

I'm concentrating in playing the tunes I already know in the Low Whistle, cause I definitely like the sound better than the High one. Still, I do love the little one too!

It's interesting to try to play the High after been playing the Low, just because the fingers get usted to the Low grip and feel awkward in the High one.

Ok, that's it for now, hope you signed in for the World and European tours I mentioned before, and have a nice day.


Friday, 24 April 2009

No posts

Just to let you know that the blog will be postless in the next 3 days.

Cheers and have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

My new Whistle

So today was a stupid day. Not a "bad" day, but a really "stupid" day.

Not much of a good mood as you can tell, as opposite to most of the days lately, but oh well...

The good news is that I finally have my Domnahl na Gruen Low D by Daniel McGinley.
I'm just a begginer but let me tell you what I think of it:

- Sounds great
- Requires much less air to play that I thought it would (and I mean MUCH LESS!)
- Awesome looks, it's simple and has those little details that handmade stuff have, those things that give it character

I love it and can't say better from Daniel, the way he builds them, the way he helps you with your doubts and the way he cares for what he makes. I'll recommend him to any whistler around the world. As simple as that!

Now, time to leave and end this wretched day...except for my whistle :)


Tuesday, 21 April 2009

ABC's and Gaelic

Another day, another post.

So, here goes the ABC for "Concerning Hobbits" at least the way I play it! (Do note that I don't know how to write ABC properly, this is my first try. I rather prefer music sheet).

Title: Concerning Hobbits
Composer: Howard Shore
Key: D

lower case: 1st octave
UPPER CASE: 2nd octave

d e f a f e d

f a b D b a f g f e

As for the Gaelic part of the it goes, enjoy!!!
(Great whistle part too!)

Celtic Woman - DĂșlaman (with lyrics)


Monday, 20 April 2009

Another world tour, and a not so good whistling day.

Hello there!

A couple of things I want to tell you today.

First of all, my Low D whistle didn't arrive today, damn post!!!

Then, my whistling wasn't that great today...again! I guess I'll have to take it cooler... It's just that when you start, you go slow and easy, but then you feel more confident, and when you learn a new tune you try to go faster...and then it doesn't work! I'll have to take it easy, because I really think it's funny and happy to play the whistle, and I want to keep it that way!

As for the world tour, I signed in for a new one, the Anderson European Whistle Tour , ok this one is not World, but it's European...whatever! :P

I got a comment for the previous post from Rob, asking if I could post the ABC code for "Concerning Hobbits", and I'll try to post it as soon as possible.


Sunday, 19 April 2009

Another weekend...

One more weekend, no new tunes :)

Today I had a 30 min practise where I played mostly the tunes I know. Next week I'll probably try to learn new ones like "Concerning Hobbits" or "Gift of a Thistle".

Meanwhile, I'll keep following the Clarke book route, where in the begining I'm mainly learning child songs, which is funny but sometimes too little of a challenge.

That's all for a weekend day.


Friday, 17 April 2009

Before the weekend

Hello there!

Today my whistling wasn't too good, I wasn't playing with feeling or even concentrated. After I realized that, I just stoped, cause there was really no point.

I started practising "Concerning Hobbits" and learned "London Bridge is Falling Down" with the Clarke book.

Not much to say besides that, on the weekends I always play less, as usual, so there's probably no hot news before monday (which is when my new Low D shall arrive).

Be well, and enjoy your free time on the weekend. I will.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

What to say, oh what to say...

Hello people that comes here because they saw the link somewhere and thought this was something good. How are you?

Today wasn't a good day, but still I managed to start working on the Clarke book, so far I' on page 19 and so the tunes I now officialy know are:

- Old MacDonald
- Down by the Sally Gardens
- Scarborough Fair
- Road to Lisdoonvarna
- Au Clair de La Lune (By the Light Of the Moon)
- The Muffin Man

, what a bunch hum? The ones that I like the most to play are Scarborough Fair and Road to Lisdoonvarna, just for the record.

As I said in a previous post I was trying to create the Whistler Bard character, so here goes one of the first sketches:

Quite stupid hum?


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Domnahl na Gruen

Today was the day that my new Domnahl na Gruen Low D Whistle left the Highlands of Scotland to meet me in the Whistler Bard's realm. Hopefully I'll have it before the weekend.

I've been in contact with the master crafter Daniel McGinley, and let me tell you he is a great person as well as an excellent crafter of whistles (from what I've heard!) when mine arrives I'll let you know, and might even post a clip or video for you to check the sound, because it's not easy to find feedbacks and reviews of this Whistle around the web.

Changing subject: have you already sign in for the Goldfinch World Tour? NO??? Why?


Tuesday, 14 April 2009

World Tour

Something like "World Tour??? - what the hell he is thinking?", probably crossed your mind didn't it?

Well, it's true, I'll be participating in the Goldfinch Whistle World Tour "And just what in the name of someone important is that?" - you folks wonder...

So, Goldfinch Whistles is a Polish whistle brand (quite new from what I learned) and they're gonna send a whistle around the world for people to try it. You can check all the details here and if by any means you can't see it, please leave a comment and I'll post the entire article.
I signed up because it seems a nice and funny idea, you can participate by sending an e-mail to with your name, address and e-mail.

In the meantime I received my new "The Clarke Tin Whistle" book by Bill Ochs, that from what I've checked seems pretty well structured, it starts in the basic of basics and goes until some more elaborated tunes. A great book for beginners in my opinion, and from what (little) I saw.

Well, it's all for today. Don't forget to smile at least once a day, even if it's of your own stupidity: I just did that! :D


Monday, 13 April 2009

The 100th

So today I enter the Whistler Bard realm and... there it was! The 100th visitor! Never thought it would come to this, cause it's the number of unique visitors (I bet you Chiff and Fipple forum guys are the responsible for this :P)!

I do this mainly for fun, but if someone follows it and has a laugh or two on my account, I gladly appreciate it!

As for today, I almost have "Road To Lisdoonvarna" until the end, just needs some ending notes to finish memorizing it. Tomorow or the day after I expect to receive Clarke's book, and then I'll just follow that lead, with the occasional wander off to some tune I really want to learn.

This week will also be the one I get my first Low D :D (hopefully) just waiting for it in the mailbox! I don't make a comparison with my bass days for a long time, so here's another one: for 1/100000000000000 of the price I spent in bass gear, I have a Tin Whistle, an Irish Flute and a Low Whistle (and this one is hanmade!) of course they're not the "state of the art" or the top notch ones, but sound great and will last forever.

That's it for today folks! As a side note let me tell you I'm trying to "make" the Whistler Bard character (since I work with some cool software :P) come will take long, and might never be done, but I'll try!


Sunday, 12 April 2009

Not much to say...

Not much to say today, hardly played, except for a 10 minute break alone at home.

I already know by heart the first half of "Road to Lisdoonvarna", and while surfing youtube I found out this song:

Loreena McKennitt- The Highwayman

After hearing it once I decided I love it... it makes you travel your dreams. A true masterpiece.

And just a side note...I bought a Low D whistle...but shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone! It should arrive this week!

Cheers, and see you tomorow!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Flute improvements

Back from half the weekend, and happy! :D

As for the Whistle, I didn't practise much, but I went trying the Flute, and I finally got some technique in being able to produce sweet, soft notes. I even got goosebumps playing "Scarborough Fair" in the flute for the first time!

It's a bit tought on weekends, as I said in a previous post, but I'll try to pratise a bit until monday. Maybe I can go and play in my car or in a remote place so I don't bother anyone. It's a hard life, a bard's one! :)

Cheers, and have fun in your weekend!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Big weekend

I'm preparing for the big weekend out of town (I hope!) between some if I know many! :P

Meanwhile I bought the Clarke's Book, with the CD. Its a nice buy in my opinion, I can carry it everywere and avoid turning on the pc everytime to check a tune or a music sheet.

Next days will be sparse in news, if all goes well in this bard's world.

Cheers to you good sirs and gals! Have fun, whistle, laugh... and try to live a happy life :)

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

La la la, lalala la la (yes, I'm singing!)

Another glorious day for the whistle! Today my practise went really well, I played "Down by the Sally Gardens" and learned the rest of "Scarborough Fair", this last one is a really sweet one to play and listen, damn those Celtic Woman! :P

Since my morale was high, I decided to try something with a bit more rythm, so I went for "Road to Lisdoonvarna", that you can listen in a previous post. It's a slide jig (from what I've read, because I still can't distinghish them too well), and I like it. In the end I didn't go too bad, learned the first couple of notes, but now I'm out of time and have to cook me some food.

Hope you're enjoying your week, here in my country there's a holy day on friday, so that means no work! Heheheh

Oh, and by the way, I'll try to post the music sheets and/or ABC notation and/or tablature for the songs that I learn, it might be useful for someone.


Monday, 6 April 2009

Scarborough Fair and the begining of a new week

So, is someone out there after that last scary post? I doubt it!

As for me, it was the start of a new week, and one where I'll have more time to practise with my whistle (with the flute i'm just trying to start to get a good clean sound out of it). I know about 2/3 of Scarborough Fair, but obviously I have to practise much more. It's a good tune for beginners, it has a low tempo, and it's on the simple side. I like these soft tunes, but I can't wait to put my fingers on a jig or a reel, one of those that makes you wanna dance!

You all might have noticed that I have a counter around there ------->
, which just counts the unique visitors of the blog, not the visits themselves. Soooo, I want to know if anyone follows this, or if it's just casual visits. Make a post or something! :P


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Down from the deepest pit in the darkest part of the Tin Whistle world

Today I spent my morning playing the Whistle, with the haunting image of yesterdays tries. As I am a bard that doesn't say no to self-mocking, I decided to post a "best-of" video of that disaster.

Be aware that if you're sensitive to high pitch notes you shouldn't watch this video. Do not let your children watch it either, they might get traumatized.

How NOT to play "Down by the Sally Gardens", by The Whistler Bard:

Fortunatly, today it went all for the best. I practised some scales, and started to learn a new tune: "Scarborough Fair" and so you can clean your ears and regain your hearing listen to this version by Celtic Woman:


Saturday, 4 April 2009

Raping "Down by the Sally Gardens"

Ok, so today I'm back to the Whistle and guess what? I suck!!! I think I didn't play this bad not even in my first day! It doesn't really help having my nose full of goey and being hard to breed, but still it's no excuse!

I really tried to make the video, but I didn't want to rape "Down by the Sally Gardens" in front of everybody, so when I play it better, I'll let you know.

It's all for now, not the day I expected for my return to the Whistle. I'll play a bit more today, check out later that I might have posted something else...


Friday, 3 April 2009


3 days now without playing, I'm freaking outttttttttttt!!!! Today I even put it in the car to see if I can have 2 minutes to play a tune (I only know one, anyway :P)!

It's like giving a candy to a kid, let him take a bite and then put it in a locked transparent box for 3 days! (weird comparison I know...)

Really, it sucks not having a couple of minutes to blow some notes. But it's for a good reason! I'll have my comeback on the weekend!!!


Thursday, 2 April 2009

Time out

Just to tell you that this bard is "out of order" until Friday the 3rd. I'll keep posting daily after that.

I wish I was a medieval bard, not a modern one, playing for kings and common folk, storytelling for children and satirize those who did not prove to be good people! Ahhhhh, those were the days!

Ok, enough dreaming and back to work... damn modern times!
