Wednesday, 27 May 2009


Hello people!

I am sorry for the recent blackout, here and in the Chiff and Fipple forums, but I have been out of time. Doing a lot of stuff at the same time, and hardly having time to play a tune. Next week or the one after I'll try to return to the Whistle and to posting frequently.

For those of you who follow, sorry!


Edit: 300 unique visitors!!!! :D Thank you!

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Not much to say, the blog will be postless for a couple of days.

Cheers, and enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Goldfinch: The End...and that's it!


Today I shipped the Goldfinch. That was it :P Nothing more concerning the whistle happened!

I hope I'll have more time in the next weeks, or at least be able to organize my time in order to play a bit more, I'm stuck with the same tunes because I really can't afford using a couple of hours to a whole week! Maybe can always dream!


Monday, 18 May 2009

Goldfinch IV and last

Yup, that's it, the last day with the Goldfinch.

I loved the experience to be part of the tour and to play the little guy, I really did! I can't say much more about it, I wish I had the time to play it more, but it is already packed and ready to ship to Gilian, the next lucky tourer. I'll post it tomorow.

I have to say sorry for not producing any video with it, as I had previously said I would, but these last weeks have been a total rollercoaster, and so I wasn't able to do it. Now the whistle follows his way to be played throughout Europe, have fun!

Inside goes a little surprise to the Goldfinch crew, nothing special, just a little thing. I thought it nice to make the Goldfinch crew to suffer a bit too, as we do when we anxiously expect the Whistle :P

For ending: I loved the Whistle!


Sunday, 17 May 2009

Goldfinch III

Hello people!

Sorry for the days without posting, but I'm really busy lately!

So I played the Goldfinch whistle today, and let me say I'll be sorry I have to depart from it so soon! Still on Monday or Tuesday I'll send it to the next world tourer ;)

My opinion remains the same, it's a great whistle, and even being a beginner I can tell it's a great buy. I really love the mouthpiece, I don't know why but it's different, smaller, really easy to play, and as I said previously, doesn't clog for anything in this world!

And so it is, life should be simpler and we should all have more time to play the Whistle and do all those things we want to that make us feel good.

Cheers, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Goldfinch II

Part two!

So today I still didn't had much time to play the Whistle, but the little I had I again loved it! I'm seriously thinking in buying one, cause I really love the sound and the easy that is to play it!

Another great thing for me is that in other Whistles I've tried I tend to make them clog really quickly because my breath has lots of moisture (I guess!), and this piece of Polish magic doesn't clog for anything in this world! I'm really loving it!

It comes packed in a simple card box, and has a sweet rustic carry bag, I'm posting a pic for you to see.

More details to come soon enough!


Wednesday, 13 May 2009


Hello there fellow whistlers and wanderers!

Today the Goldfinch Whistle arrived! I didn't had much time to play it, but for the little I tried I can say I love the sound, and as I never had possessed a plastic (pvc?) whistle before I admit I never thought they could have this sound quality!

As time passes by and I play it more I'll let you know with more detail my opinion. Next week I'll send it to the next person in the World Tour :)

Just as it is, I'm loving the experience!


Monday, 11 May 2009

Back to the whistle, stop to new songs

Oh yes, I'm back to whistling!

Despite my injury I played a bit today and it felt gooooooooddddddd!
I will stop learning new tunes for now, cause I'm doing a secret thing that I'll let you know in time.

This week I'll probably receive the Goldfinch Whistle from the world tour, I'm the first in the list and I can't wait to get it!!! I'll leave a review here, off course!


Sunday, 10 May 2009

Weekend injury


How are you all doing? Did you have a nice weekend? Mine was good, but my injury is back, whistling for a few more days :(

Have fun!


Thursday, 7 May 2009

A couple of tunes...


Today I gladly played a couple of tunes, cause my injury is much better. I had fun taking my Tin Whistle again, after playing almost exclusively the Low one since I got it. The little one will always have a special place in my heart despite liking the Low sound more. Still it was my first Whistle, and I have a lot of fun with it and his happy sound.

Have a nice whistling evening!


Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Another no whistling day, but a great substitute...a video!

Hello there!

Around here is another recovery day,but to keep this with some interest to you, I'll post a nice video:

Lord Of the Dance - Cry of the Celts

I just love it, makes you travel your imagination!




No post, no playing yesterday. An old problem in my hand just made an appearance and I have to restrain from playing and use the computer.

I love tendinitis!


Monday, 4 May 2009

Back in colour

Hello fellow whistlers and passer by's! How was that big weekend?

Mine was great, and I have some nice pics to prove it, just chek them out:

Now imagine playing the Low Whistle on those shores, with the birds choir behind. Really nice!

I couldn't play very well because there where people listening, but it felt really nice!


Edit: The 200th visitor just came by! :D